

As you know, CEMRO has been built upon the ideals of bringing maximum benefit and maximum accessibility to residents across the state of California while maintaining minimum barriers. Our entire executive team has worked hard to put together a wide range of unique value-added offerings including equipment and educational materials, databases, and professional development opportunities.

Our aspiration is to provide additional tools for encouraging Emergency Medicine residents to reach their full potential. With that said, providing these services have real costs. However, to remain faithful to our other founding ideal – minimum barriers – CEMRO does not charge any membership fees. Without a doubt, we at CEMRO are extremely proud of providing our full range of benefits without a price-tag attached. However, this means CEMRO’s only means of monetary support is through earned grants and the generous donations of individuals like you.

We appreciate your time, your effort, and your interest. If you’re able to donate to CEMRO, rest assured, we are extremely appreciative of that as well.

Best wishes,
Dac Teoli, MD
Executive Director

CEMRO (California Emergency Medicine Residents’ Organization) is a registered unincorporated nonprofit association recognized by the state of California Secretary of State with approved nonprofit status through California corps code section § 18035, § 21300, (§.18000-24001.5) Given our size and purpose of serving the public good, CEMRO is able to function as a 501(c)(3): a tax-exempt nonprofit with donations being tax deductible.


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